The Christian Care Centre’s mission is to provide pastoral care for all women and children who have been victims of any form of violence. The CCC also provides educational programs for the general public toward the prevention of domestic violence and abuse
Gender-based violence is a major issue in the Solomon Islands. As part of the World Vision Honiara Community Vision for Change project, a baseline survey was conducted by World Vision in partnership with the Australian National University. The results found that 36% of women knew of instances of family violence during the period of the survey and over 50% of all arguments between husband and wife lead to physical violence
A study conducted by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community earlier in 2009 found that two out of three women have experienced physical and/or violence from an intimate partner, with 38% of women stating that their first sexual experience was forced.
The effects of gender based violence are far reaching and impact the physical and mental health of the survivors of violence, disrupts families, impacts children’s emotional wellbeing and behaviour and causes women, girls and children to fear for their personal safety.
Towards the end of 2014 World Vision, Solomon Islands, facilitated a strategic workshop on behalf of the Christian Care Centre with the aim of developing a framework for a five year development plan for the centre.
This plan will enable the CCC to effectively provide access to appropriate, quality support and a safe place for survivors of gender based violence and child abuse.
Because of a shortage of available accommodation at the CCC World Vision is helping to secure donor funding to begin building a new wing of accommodation to provide separate space for women and girls so that the centre can provide better services for them. The funding project is called the Rainbow Project and all donations to aid this work and the Christian Care Centre generally can be facilitated by clicking on to the CCC’s website detailed below
The website also provides valuable updates on the activities taking place at the Care Centre, illustrated with photographs.
The effects of gender based violence are far reaching and impact the physical and mental health of the survivors of violence, disrupts families, impacts children’s emotional well being and behaviour and causes women, girls and children to fear for their personal safety.
To help address the issue of gender based violence in Solomon Islands, World Vision started a three year church partnership project in April 2013 aimed to strengthen the Christian Care Centre. World Vision also has five projects across Honiara, Temotu and the Weather Coast that use the Channels of Hope approach to address gender-based violence.
The projects provide church leaders, community leaders, police and service providers with improved capabilities for addressing and reducing gender based violence in their communities.
Channels of Hope is designed to engage people in a manner that challenges attitudes and behaviours towards women that perpetuate gender based violence and motivates a sustained and effective response to issues that threaten the wellbeing of communities.