I much welcome the news today that the Government of China (PRC) is to build a cardiac theatre at the National Referral Hospital
I would very much hope that once the theatre is built and functioning the ongoing plight of the many in-patients and out patients of the NRH suffering from rheumatic heart disease is aided by the additional support of cardiologists and surgeons to assess suitable RHD sufferers for treatment, including surgery, enabling them to have a chance of full recovery.
Presently in house surgery and treatment for heart valve operations, associated with RHD, cannot be undertaken at the NRH and patients with RHD need to be referred offshore to a hospital in Australia, New Zealand or in India.
The NRH does not have the budgetary funds to see to such transfers and is dependent on private donations to facilitate the medical transfer of RHD patients.
Once the cardiac theatre is in operation, one must hope the PRC will be able to second to the NRH top cardiologist and surgeons specializing in RHD cases, of which there are many notable ones in China. Or one will see the return of Australian volunteer cardiologists and surgeons take advantage of the improved situation at the NRH with the addition of the cardiac theatre.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short