12 August 2022
One area that the Solomon Islands Government still needs to get around to solving is the aspect of corruption allegedly involving politicians and the way corruption is allegedly being practiced in local business dealings several years on since the adoption of the Independent Commission of Corruption was established at home
Commissioner’s have already been nominated to fill staff roles in the ICAC and supporting legislation passed to facilitate the functioning of the anti-corruption agency
It is said that combating corruption and building a clean government is related to China's national development, the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people, social fairness, justice, harmony and stability.
“It is the consistent stand of the CPC and the Chinese government to resolutely punish and effectively prevent corruption, and endeavour to build a clean government.”
That being the recorded position of the PRC government at home, already a new diplomatic partner of the Solomon Islands Government, why is that the ICAC in Hong Kong with a fine reputation in tackling corruption over many years to my knowledge, has not been engaged to help the SIG get its own ICAC off the ground and help stop the way corruption is perceived to be ongoing and a barrier, in my mind, to investor confidence and, no doubt, seen by those who write letters to the Editors of the local newspapers about allegations of corruption hampering wider diplomatic ties in the pursuit of development and trust in the government?
Yours sincerely
Frank Short