Uniform Dress Standards in Keeping with a Desired Professional Image

Uniform Dress Standards in Keeping with a Desired Professional Image

Posted by : Frank Short Posted on : 17-Mar-2021

From all accounts it was a sunny and pleasant morning yesterday when His Excellency the Governor-General, Sir David Vunaki, GCMG, reviewed the traditional ceremonial guard mounted by the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPPF) prior to H.E. presiding over the official opening of Parliament and the delivery of his speech from the Throne when he told the assembled Members of Parliament of their duty to abide by the country motto - “To Lead is to Serve.”

To me it was pleasing to see several female members of the police service proudly standing in line as His Excellency walked along during his inspection and escorted, alongside, by a senior police officer who was the ceremonial guard commander.

The RSIPF has clearly progressed since the dark days associated with the internal civil conflict of the late 90s when I was last in service in the Solomon Islands and this is good to know.

Still with a keen eye, however, I did notice one female police officer on parade wearing a uniform jacket were the sleeves were too long and perhaps some attention could be given to ill-fitting tunics and other uniform issues that detract from the smart professional image the Force needs to maintain.

Yours sincerely

Frank Short




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