Threat to my personal website

Threat to my personal website

Posted by : Frank Short Posted on : 28-Sep-2024
Threat to my personal website solomonislandsinfocus

I created and registered the domain of my personal website in 2014 as a friend of the Solomon Islands and to bring to the world news of happenings in the country and to highlight the vast number of handicrafts available from the country.

Since 2014 the website has been seen by many thousands of international visitors to the website and facilitated the sale of many beautiful crafts, especially beautiful hand carved pieces made by talented wood carvers.

I have maintained the website by paying for its domain and regularly updated the website's blog page.

It seems there is now growing Chinese interest in taking over my personal website, and I resent this move.

To emphasize my point, I reproduce a letter just received,

"We are the Hongpai Ltd. We will register the Chinese domain names "" "" "" "" and internet keyword "solomonislandsinfocus" and have submitted our application. We are waiting for Mr. Kevin Liu's approval. These CN domains and internet keyword are very important for us to promote our business in China. Although Mr. Kevin Liu advised us to change another name, we will persist with this name."

Kind regards

Zhihai Ning"


Frank Short.

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