The Solomon Islands is a country steeped in Christian teaching, culture and tradition and has become of late caught up in criticism, debate and geo-politics and I am led to consider where lies the belief in what I call the sanctity of life.
The “sanctity of life” is the term employed broadly to denote an ethical approach concerned not just with a handful of bioethical issues but the entire range of moral problems that human beings face, from abortion to poverty, from war to the death penalty, from child abuse to the environment and to the welfare and needs of people, especially children.
I hope that I am wrong in thinking that today, in 2022; local Christians and Solomon Islands society regard ‘sanctity of life as just a slogan without having a feeling for responsibility for moral judgment and help.
I write this observation when in our midst is a very sick child of jus 3 years suffering from leukemia and one that needs evacuation to an overseas hospital for treatment that could help in saving his life.
I very much hope that despite the ongoing politics locally and from countries overseas the needs of that sick child will get the help it needs and all will embrace one’s duty and obligation in terms of the Christian code of ethics I have touched upon as our collective need to recognize sanctity of life,
Yours sincerely
Frank Short