In Police Media release today republished by the Solomon Times Online, the Commissioner of the RSIPF, Mr. Mostyn Mangau wrote about the independence of the police organisation saying
(The RSIPF) is not taking directives from the Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA).
End of quote
It is perfectly true what Mr, Mangau said about the RSIPF being independent but that is only true in so much as the operational aspects of policing are concerned.
The police service and the police commissioner are subject to proper direction from the government but not in purely operational matters.
The Minister for Police, a Cabinet Minister, has the capacity for policy formulation and monitoring of police affairs which is independent of the police chain of command.
Today’s policing requires a multi-faceted approach and solutions. In the Solomon Islands, frankly, I do not see the police alone being able to ensure real security for communities and all individuals, the RSIPF must cooperate, share some resources with other agencies and acknowledge that they alone do not have a monopoly on all security matters.
When I assumed the role of police commissioner in mid 1997, I saw that community policing as a means of consultations with the communities was an important determinant of police practice. It allowed for the development of appropriate solutions to local problems within the framework of the operational independence I have explained.
I firmly believe that the various communities in the Solomon Islands respond best to a cooperate approach to law and order concerns and it is my wish that both the RSIPF and the government work together to ensure community policing as a corner stone of good security continues with a renewed commitment.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short