Solomon Islands and Australia held productive discussions on Wednesday 13 February in Honiara regarding the security concerns of the two countries including the wider pacific region.
A hastily-convened meeting took place in Honiara late last week between Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and the visiting Australian Minister for International Development and the Pacific Hon. Zed Seselja culminated in a deeper understanding of each other’s security concerns. The two leaders spoke on security matters and Australia re-echoed its security concerns on the Solomon current – China Security Cooperation.
Apart from the security concerns voiced by Australia as a friend and trusted partner of the Solomon Islands, I personally wish the Australian Government, whoever emerges as the winner of the upcoming Federal Election. Will give concern to the plight of patients at the National Hospital (NRH) suffering from rheumatic heart disease (RHD), especially the many young children suffering from the disease.
I would like Australia to facilitate the early secondment of child health specialists, including cardiologists and surgeons to the NRH to examine, assess and give help, including financial help, in transferring those assessed as the most likely to gain long term benefits to selected hospitals in Australia from specialist care and treatment.
The bonds of friendship and ties with Australia have been assured by the Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands and it is my wish those close bonds be further strengthened in giving the help I have outlined to the needy patients at the National Referral Hospital.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short