Spotlight on carbon trading carbon - a better choice

Spotlight on carbon trading carbon - a better choice

Posted by : Frank Short Posted on : 11-Jan-2022
Spotlight on carbon trading carbon a better choice

The Natural Resources Development Foundation Boss, Wilko Bosma says carbon trading is the best approach landowners can benefit through while enjoying a safer and beautiful environment.

He said one conservation group in the country known as Sirobe Forest Conservation is selling its carbon credits beginning last year.

“Sirobe Forest Conservation is the first group that involved in the global carbon trade activity and we are pleased to be part of the process,” Mr. Bosma said.

“This group is one among two other groups in Fiji and Vanuatu who have been identified by NAKAU – a Pacific based organisation who help facilitate this kind of investment,” he added.

Mr.Bosma said another two more organisations will join the carbon trade investment this year if things turn out positive.

He stressed that carbon trading has potential benefits for landowners who are willing to surrender their land and forest for the betterment of the world.

“So, when you go into carbon trading you are simply helping normalize global emission and the good news is; you as the resource owner will get benefits in a form of cash for the carbon credits audited on your area.

“Furthermore, you can still harvest your trees in a small scale operation such as milling timbers for houses and also commercial.

“The point is, carbon trading is trading your forest’s function is decreasing or inhaling carbon dioxide while producing oxygen.

“I emphasis and encourage landowners to keep your forest. If you already logged your forest, don’t allow re-entry rather choose to preserve your forest for better purpose,” Bosma said.

He said carbon trading is the best alternative today for landowners to invest unlike in the previous years where is no benefits for communities or tribes who preserve their forests and land.

Source. Island Sun newspaper.

Yours sincerely

Frank Short

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