Posted by : Posted on : 01-Feb-2019

1 February 2019

Former Solomons Police Commissioner about to release a new book looking at Hong Kong and events in the Pacific.

The Solomon Star has received news that Frank Short, who served in the Solomon Islands as the Commissioner of Police from 1997 to mid 1997 and wrote about his experiences during that time in a book which he titled ‘Policing a Clash of Cultures;’ a book published on Amazon, is soon to launch his latest book titled ‘Plum Blossom.’   The book is a romantic novel with a background to current events in Hong Kong and the widening interest of China in the Western Pacific.

Because of his past work in Hong Kong from the late 50s to the 70s Short has put together a very interesting account in his novel of the early riots that occurred in Hong Kong in the mid-60s and brings into play Chinese views on human rights which the Chinese Government often stresses should encompass ‘economic’ standards of living and measures of health and economic prosperity, claiming that as economic, cultural, historical and political situations differ substantially between countries, the international definition of human rights cannot apply to China.

Short also points out that in the South Pacific nation states today, the issues of gender equality are much debated and a great deal still needs to be done to overcome cultural taboos that still prevent women’s emancipation to positions of leadership in politics, in government and in business.

Short points out that Gender equality was enshrined in China’s 1954 Constitution and policies were implemented which sought to make it easier for Chinese women to divorce, own property, enjoy the benefits of education and attain equal pay.

Apart from such references, the novel is not at all overtly political and very much of the story revolves around the long term relationship and marriage between a former British Army officer and a female Chinese Pediatrician that was raised as an orphan in Vietnam before moving to live in Hong Kong.

Frank Short’s other published books (Amazon) include ‘Cometh the Hour’ and ‘The Venus Affair.’



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