Honiara :� 23 June 2017
The Solomon Islands Government has welcomed the announcement by the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) of the upcoming visit of the Taiwanese President Dr Tsai Ing-wen to the Pacific, including Solomon Islands.
Speaking at a function hosted by the Taiwanese Embassy for the visiting Taiwanese Foreign Minister at the Kitano Mendana Hotel last night, Prime Minister Sogavare said, I would like to express the Solomon Islands� Government�s� �gratitude� �at� �your� �government�s� �recent announcement that the President would be making a visit to the Pacific region in the coming months.
The Prime Minister described the visit as timely as Taiwan and its Pacific Allies seek more consolidation and Solomon Islands looks forward to receiving Her Excellency.
He �said �there �is �no �illusion �about �the ��deep� �relations �between Solomon Islands and Taiwan, despite the changes in the geo-political landscape at present, especially in the Pacific.
Whilst the Prime Minister acknowledged that these changes have proven the ability of Solomon Islands and Taiwan to stick together, he said they ought to be smarter in mastering these situational realities.