I extend my congratulations and good wishes to all in the Solomon Islands as the country celebrates 45years of independence.
I was proud to have served the Solomon Islands as the fomer Commissioner of Polce and in the intervening years following my departure from the country done my utmost to aid with charity support to the medical services in particular and to the needy.
I remain proud of the fact that I was the instigator of community policing and initiated training with help of the then Singapore Police Commissioner in the early years of nationhood from 1997 to mid 1999. I am pleased that community policing has continued as police policy and continues to aid police public relations.
My concern for the health and welfare of the people despite the passage of 25 years and my age at 85 yrs and ill heath is still at the core of my concerns for the people, the sick, the disabled and the needy in today's SI society and it pleased me immensely that the SIG most recently agreed to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disability.
Having eventually signed that Convention I very much hope the government will pursue the avenues that signing the Convention opens up to pursue finding grants to aid persons with disabilities.
I trust the Solomon islands will pursue developments to advance the benefits beneficial to all, including better health services, job opportunities and remain a staunch Christian community serving the best and peaceful interests of all its ciitizens, and see the ending of corruption and corrupt practices that has held the country back over many years to-date.
My best wishes to all this Independence Day!
Yours sincerely
Frank Short