Skills Training For Empowerment And The Making Of A Smart Nation

Skills Training For Empowerment And The Making Of A Smart Nation

Posted by : Posted on : 12-Mar-2021

In the last few days, I wrote saying how Solomon Islands social enterprise wants to help local women develop their digital skills to grow their businesses.

 Quoting my earlier piece I said.

The Chief Executive of Dignity Pasifik, Ruth Maetala, said when the borders were closed by Covid-19 many women were forced to communicate virtually.

 She said now Dignity Pacific wanted to help others make better use of social media for advertising, news sharing, and networking.

 To mark International Women's Day, Maetala announced Dignity Pasifik's - SHE4T, or Support For Enterprise for Transformation programme.

 "She4T is going to work with the women trainers who are based in the communities, and they will be the ones who will come and learn the technology and how to deliver training to the communities. And we will help them in how to do marketing on social media and use zoom calls."

Moving beyond the coronavirus pandemic, the world will move further into the age of data. Everything that a company, business or indeed a government will do will become dictated by analytics techniques to identify new growth areas, streamline costs, increase operating margins, make better human resource decisions, and devise more effective budgets. 

Experts have also predicted that this influence will only continue to grow in the next few decades.

It has been said in a business context, the importance of analytics cannot be overstated. It is used to examine and understand historical patterns and to predict and improve future business practices. 

Although the applications of data analytics are broad, they can be used across various functions of an organization. For instance, call center managers analyze their team’s performance data for resource optimization, HR managers use employee data to predict attrition and marketers use sales and marketing ROI data to decide the optimal allocation of their marketing budget

Data Analytics has therefore been identified as an important sector of growth and an important constraint that enables businesses and government to improve productivity, competitiveness, and growth.

How will the Solomon Islands develop in future years to become the smart nation that it will need to be and, given the talent of many of its educated youth, it can be if the necessary skills training is commenced at an early date...

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