Quoting the Solomon Star newspaper – 24 October 2019
“THE Family Support Center (FSC) and UN Women Fiji Multi-Country Office (MCO) on Wednesday launched a new agreement that increases support services to victims of sexual and gender-based violence.
“This new agreement or project will ‘Increasing Outreach for survivors of Gender-Based Violence’ project ensures women and girl survivors have better access to counselling and case management services in the provinces of Guadalcanal, Isabel and Temotu.
“Speaking during the signing of the project was the Center Manager for FSC Loroi Sisiolo.
“Sisiolo said the FSC staff members are happy about the signing of the project with UN MCO which was made possible through MDFAT.
“She said this new agreement will increase counselling on gender base-violence and abuse.
“And will also enable women and girls who experience violence to have access to counselling services and case management services throughout Honiara and other provinces,” Sisiolo explained.”
Copyright @ 2019, Solomon Star News.