Posted by : Posted on : 26-May-2020

Keeping the Solomon Islands free from COVID-19 and embracing new technology

Stranded Solomon Islanders are expected to be flown back home from Brisbane and Fiji this week and the government has put in place the necessary precautionary measures to ensure the arrivals will be immediately tested for COVID-19 on their arrival and then placed in quarantine for a full 28 days to prevent the possibility of coronavirus  entering into the country.

There are no long-term advantages from the strict enforcement measures that have necessarily become part of life except to say I am pleased to see the government has embraced the utilisation of technology for video conferencing and meetings.

Since Solomon Islands wisely closed its borders, the emphasis has focused on the more practical, cost saving use of video conferencing.

With broadband the use of the internet has become faster and more reliable and it is hoped more and more Solomon Islanders will adapt and use the technological tools for business and for government work

I recently wrote about the prospect of online education services being made available to schools and colleges.  Such services would have many advantages and I hope those development partners that have played a significant and meaningful role in supporting education in the Solomon Islands will consider the proposal I tendered.

Turning to the specific subject of video conferring, I’ll share with you some observations.

Seven advantages of video conferencing include:

  1. Saves time and money.
  2. No travelling required.
  3. Brings remote workers and telecommuters together.
  4. More personal and engaging than phone conferencing alone.
  5. Increased efficiency and productivity.
  6. Cuts down on carbon emissions.
  7. Improves relationships.

When comparing the advantages and disadvantages of video conferencing in the Solomon Islands, the benefits clearly outweigh the drawbacks. Video conferencing can be a low-cost way to bring people together, increase productivity and save money.

Yours sincerely

Frank Short

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