The Solomon Islands last week was suddenly struck by a huge M7 earthquake which left a great deal of property damage to homes and office building, including in the capital, Honiara. Many thousands were left in fear of their lives when the quake struck and ran for safety to higher ground.
There have been no reports of fatalities as a result of the deadly earthquake, unlike in Indonesia where there was also a tragic earthquake during the week.
There was the high possibility of a tsunami occurring after such a massive quake but very fortunately this did not happen.
A doctor at the National Referral Hospital (NRH) posted on Linkdedin following the quake her fears for what might have occurred at the NRH if a tsunami had resulted, reminding everyone of how close to the sea shore the NRH is located.
One can only imagine what kind of disaster such an occurrence would have caused and memories of previous tsunami tragedies in Indonesia, Japan and in Phuket in Thailand come to mind.
The seriousness of the situation the NRH doctor raised is one that must be considered by the SIG and by the PRC planners said to be considering the construction of a comprehensive medical centre on the same site as the NRH, for the next time there occurs a quake of the same magnitude as the one last week the NRH might not avoid a huge tidal wave with unimaginable consequences.
A relocation of the NRH and the construction of its replacement we have been told will take ten more years, but nature is unpredictable as we witnessed in Tonga just months ago and more earthquakes are likely and bringing tsunami threats, so the message seems to be very clear that there should be no procrastination in the considerations for the NRH.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short.