Expressing concern for the Solomon Islands Red Cross Association and its Special Rehabilitation Disability Centre.
In May 2018, I became aware of the extensive local flooding in the vicinity of the Solomon Islands Red Cross Society’s Special Rehabilitation Disability Centre.
The water incursion into the centre’s premises had severely disrupted classes and caused the centre to close down while damaged was assessed and the premises cleared of water and thoroughly cleaned.
The flooding did not dissipate over several weeks and occasioned me to write an appeal for help in building retaining walls outside the premises to prevent the runoff from rainwater seeping into the centre.
The Australian High Commission responded to my written appeal and offered to look into the flooding issue in terms of the Australian Government’s Grant Aid Program.
It was very soon after hearing from the Honiara High Commission in Honiara that the General Secretary of the local Red Cross Society wrote and told me that his contract had not been renewed and he would be leaving office.
I am not aware whether the problem of water flooding into the centre has been resolved since last year, but would really like to know.
Of concern to me, also, is the fact that the strategic plan for the Red Cross Association, was outlined in great detail in 2017 but is set to terminate next year.
The Solomon Islands Red Cross Association is a vital humanitarian organization responsible for providing humanitarian services to vulnerable people in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of the Movement and is mandated by the Solomon Islands Government to do its work.
Given all I have outlined, could it be answered, please, how far the Strategic Plan launched in 2017 has progressed and whether, or not the local flooding at the special disability rehabilitation centre has finally been countered?
Indeed, perhaps, also, whether the Solomon Islands Red Cross Society still operates as it most certainly should be doing?
Yours sincerely
Frank Short