Posted by : Posted on : 27-Feb-2020

Will the Central Provincial Government’s Development plans see the community health clinic on Savo rebuilt or re-furbished without more delay?

News which featured in today’s edition of the Solomon Star newspaper, said the National government and Central Provincial Government are embarking on a Reinvestment and redevelopment program in the Russell Islands, which stemmed from the Maralauon Comminique and the MOU signed by the Central Provincial Government, CPG, and National Government in 2019.

According to the Solomon Star article, Russell Islanders have welcomed the Government’s investment program and are ready to engage in any development project by genuine investors and government or donor-supported projects.

Once I read the article, my thoughts turned to Savo Island, being in the Central Province, and the long outstanding concerns I have expressed, along with the community members on Savo, for the complete re-furbishment and re-equipping the Panueli health clinic.

The clinic which is supposed to serve the local community of 5,000 was originally conceived as a mini-hospital but over the years it has been ravished by white ants and there is virtually no furniture in the facility, no electricity and no water.

About 3 years ago, the community elders drew up a plan for the re-furbishment or total rebuilding of the clinic and submitted the plan for consideration by the Canadian Government in terms of the annual Canada Fund grants.  The Canadian government could not accede to the plan reportedly because of other commitments in respect of human rights projects.

It is my great hope that the proposed development plan that the Central Islands government has just embarked upon will see the community on Savo acquire a fully equipped, fully functional and adequately staffed health clinic without too much delay, especially as the medical needs of the people have gone very much unattended with the run-down and dilapidated health clinic they have had to endure for far too long.

Yours sincerely

Frank Short

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