NZ extending financial support to its tourism trade as it expands its domestic travel industry

NZ extending financial support to its tourism trade as it expands its domestic travel industry

Posted by : Frank Short Posted on : 18-Jul-2021

NZ extending financial support to its tourism trade as it expands its domestic travel industry

Just as the tourism industry has taken a hit in the Solomon Islands, New Zealand has been badly affected by the drop of tourist numbers, although not to the extent the Covid situation has affected the much smaller population of short of 700,000 in the SI.

This is because NZ has a largely booming domestic tourist market in the south region where Kiwi’s can experience new types of holiday adventures.

Nevertheless, some NZ$18 million has been earmarked for the hardest hit parts of the South Island regions.

Tourism Minister Stuart Nash has announced details of the 57 projects to receive support from the Tourism Infrastructure Fund.

Those hardest hit from the loss of international visitors would receive more than half the funding, he said.

"Government funding for the projects and facilities will provide much-needed local employment while borders are tightly controlled to keep safe from Covid-19. The new tourism facilities will also help local councils prepare for the return of visitors in greater numbers."

Five regions will share $10m from a total pool in this funding round with the projects sharing a common theme of enhancing popular lakefront and beachfront facilities to improve the visitor experience.

The projects will include improving facilities for boaties, pedestrians, cyclists and tourism operators on the lakefronts

Funding has also been earmarked to upgrade carpark and toilet facilities

Other projects across the nation will include wifi-connected smart bins a new toilet block, a new cycle hub, and the development of a popular beach

Zealand predicts visitor spending could increase by millions as it pitches for more Kiwis to travel in their own backyard.

Domestic visitors have always had a major role in the tourism sector, worth roughly $23 billion to the economy pre-Covid-19.

Last year, Tourism New Zealand (TNZ) shifted into domestic marketing after the borders were closed.

Its chief executive René de Monchy said New Zealanders had travelled far and wide and across the seasons.

Domestic spend had grown by about 15 percent in the last 12 months.

"Obviously we've had a captive audience but we want to continue to grow," de Monchy said.

TNZ planned to continue to encourage and foster more New Zealanders to explore their backyard, he said.

The rough target is to increase domestic spending by between 5 and 10 percent over the coming year.

"Over the last year, that 15 percent growth was $1.1 billion domestically so these are quite significant numbers when you look at how much we as New Zealanders spend in our own country, enjoying it as a visitor if you like and travelling around the country.

"So we think there's hundreds of millions of dollars, I think, potential for growth going into the future."

That meant tourism actively and positively contributed to the economy, environment, society and culture.


Domestc holiday travel has increased recently in the Solomon Islands with attractive holiday packages promoted by Solomon Airlines and one must hope the packages will continue to entice domestic travellers to the many beautiful holiday spots that only the Solomon Islands can provide, and spots, let us not forget, which remain Covid-19 free.

Source : Radio New Zealand.

Yours sincerely

Frank Short

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