12 November 2022
A post featuring on Linkedin today was accompanied by a very telling photo image of the extent of sea rise in Pipisu Village at West A’re A’re. in South Malaita
I pose the simple and polite question just what has been done in the Solomon Islands to-date to bring about mitigation, adaptation, evacuations and financial support related to the severe impact of climate change in the country?
Last week I noted from a broadcast relayed by Radio New Zealand the following story, and I quote it.
Climate activist groups are welcoming NZ’s cement of funding for loss and damage wrought by climate change on poorer countries.
$20 million has been ring-fenced from a more than billion dollar fund set aside last year for climate finance.
Developed countries for years stymied moves to get compensation on the agenda at international climate talks, fearing being on the hook for substantial reparations.
New Zealand has now joined a small group of countries at Cop 27 to put money aside for loss and damage. It's more symbolic than financially significant, and gives a nudge to other countries that it is time to reckon with the issue.
Climate group 350 called New Zealand's move a "significant win".
But it said merely re-allocating already announced funding was not good enough given the scale of the need, and new money was needed.
Oxfam has reported climate-induced losses for the poorest countries at more than half a trillion dollars in just two decades.
The Pacific Islands Climate Action Network and New Zealand Climate Action Network want a dedicated loss and damage finance facility at COP27.
Jo Spratt of Oxfam Aotearoa said New Zealand should pledge the money to this proposed funding facility.
Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta said while New Zealand was not opposed to a new facility, it also supported a wide range of funding arrangements.
Pacific Islands Climate Action Network regional policy coordinator Lavetanalagi Seru said there needed to be guarantees that loss and damage funds would not be repurposed as adaptation finance.
"That the funds are additional and dedicated specifically for loss and damage initiatives.
"The scale of loss and damage finance required is in the billions, and we need countries to also contribute their fair share to address mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage."
Pacific Climate Warriors New Zealand coordinator Kalo Afeaki said the New Zealand funding was not explicitly earmarked for the Pacific where it was needed most.
About half of the $1.3 billion dollar New Zealand pot of money is earmarked for the Pacific.
End of Quote.
Source – Radio New Zealand.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short