A concern over the lack of a single functioning mammogram machine at the NRH’s Cancer Unit is a matter that I have written about for many weeks and appealed, through my letters, to both the New Zealand and Japanese Govrnments for help in supplying such a vital item of breast screening equipment to the NRH.
Given the high rate of breast cancer in the Solomon Islands, it is imperative that regular breast screening of women is undertaken to detect any early signs of the disease.
Today, the Solomon Star took up the story and said.
The only mammogram machine at the National Referral Hospital (NRH) in Honiara that is being used to detect any medical issue related to women’s breasts is currently not functioning.
This means women who are faced with me dical issues affecting their breasts are unable to access the service at the NRH for medical check-up.
It’s unclear how long the machine has been out of service.
Minister of Health and Medical Services Dr. Culwick Togamana early this week confirmed that the machine is not working.
He revealed this following a question by the Opposition Leader Matthew Wale who asked the minister responsible about the status of the only breast detection machine at NRH.
“The mammogram is not functioning,” he said.
However, the minister assured that an allocation has been made in this year’s budget to cater for a new machine.
“With the budget we have, we hope to purchase a new mammogram to allow our women for routine checks,” he said.
He said the absence of the machine has affected most of the women who have medical issues with their breasts and wanted to get a check.
End of quote.
Source. Solomon Star news.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short