Early Intervention: The early years in a child’s life from toddler to children under 10 years old represent the most critical period of their development. Studies in neuroscience have shown brain growth rate to be at its highest in these early years. Early intervention (EI) taps on this growth potential to help children with developmental needs (DN) gain skills that maximise their capability for independence.
The aim of early intervention is to assure that families who have at-risk children can receive resources and supports that assist them in maximizing their child's physical, cognitive, and social/emotional development. To effectively aid their child’s learning differences, it is crucial to apply the appropriate intervention strategy through assessing and managing progress. This is important to maximize the potential of the child during this optimal developmental window.
At home in the Solomon Islands has any consideration be given to any form of early intervention courses to provide teachers and those having special responsibility for children with special needs with the required skills to educate those children?
Yours sincerely
Frank Short