Posted by : Posted on : 20-Jul-2019

Solomon Water urges the government to help address the problem of water cuts

At the conclusion of the water forum held in Honiara on Thursday last week, the ongoing water cuts in Honiara were blamed on loggers operating in the Kongulai catchment area.

Ian Kaukui writing in the Solomon Star newspaper said:


“Solomon Water Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ian Gooden said the loggers failed to comply with their licence when they moved and operated within the catchment area.

“Mr. Gooden said development consent granted to Tabilo Timber Saw milling clearly stated they must not enter the water catchment areas.

“The logging operations have resulted in murky water every time the rain falls in the Konglai water source area.

“Mr. Gooden said Solomon Water was left with no option but to shut down its Kongulai source to protect its system when there’s heavy rain.

We cannot releases sediments that will block our pipes, meters, equipment and that of our customers because it might spoil water appliances,” he explained.

“He added they have to do this because the water is unpleasant to drink and even to use for washing when it’s dirty.

So with sediment in the supply and no water treatment plant available, the only thing we can do is shutdown the water.”

“Mr. Gooden explained the problem is a crises and a historic one for Solomon Water because they usually have up to 8 days shutdown per year but now they have 7 days plus per month, especially since mid 2018.”

“He said the wish is for the national government to step in and help address the situation.

“He urged all water users to help push for the government, through the responsible authorities, to act now given the nature of the problem.

“Those who spoke at the forum urged the Ministry of Forestry and Research to cancel the logging licence they issued for the area.”

Source:  Solomon Star News.

Yours sincerely

Frank Short

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