Last December, when speaking in Parliament, the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources MFMR), Nestor Ghiro said initial work on the proposed Bina Harbour Onshore Processing plant in Malaita Province had begun despite negative impacts of covid-19 on the country
The Minister told Parliament that his Ministry had signed a working MOU with the Malaita Provincial Government to deliver the project and he also had received Infrastructure and Fisheries reports from the International Finance Corporation (IFC).
The Minister explained that the IFC was working on investment packages to secure an investor, while at the same time engaging with donors for infrastructure funding.
As a temporary measure the Ministry had obtained office space for the operation of the Bina project in Honiara while talks were ongoing on possible five water sources for the plant.
Another achievement made in 2020 year was the successful facilitation and election of Trustees to the Land Holding entity that was established in 2019, the Minister had added.
Minister Ghiro assured Parliament that his Ministry’s implementation progress was is in line with its 5-year plan for the Bina project and would continue under the government’s policy redirection initiative.
“The Bina Harbour Onshore Processing Plant and the Aruligo Tilapia Aquaculture Center in Guadalcanal are the two flagship projects to be implemented by MFMR as national projects that are projected to enhance fisheries activities for people.”
Source: The Conversation
Would it be possible for the MFMR to give an update on how the Bina River Offshore Processing Plant is progressing given my hopes for the economic benefits and work opportunities at the Plant?
Yours sincerely
Frank Short