Speaking in Honiara on International Women’s Day this week, Ms Julie McCallum, the Counsellor for Human Development at the Australian High Commission’s office in the Solomon Islands, said the Australian Government was proud to help improve gender equality for women and girls in the Solomon Islands.
In her remarks, she added, and I quote.
“Gender equity is a global issue (Australia has its own) we are very strong in gender equality, we are very proud to stand side by side with the Solomon Islands in improving gender equality.”
“With regards to this year’s theme ‘Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a covid-19 world’, Australia has continued to celebrate the tremendous contribution of women and girls to share an equal inclusive covid-19 pandemic recovery.”
She further added that through the Australian government’s Partnership Strategic Recovery, they support women in leadership and in decision-making in the Pacific arenas.
“Our main aim is to promote leadership and politics adjust women's economic empowerment initiative to support women and to support women resilience,” Ms. McCallum said.
In addition, the Australia partnership program also supports gender violence in a challenging environment to mitigate violence against women and girls in private and professional arenas.
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