Looking back, as I do today, of 25 years of my association with the Solomon Islands, both from the aspect of service and as a reporter of news and charity aid worker, the main issues that are apparent after so many years is the lack of major development and the inadequacy in the health services to meet the needs of a population that will soon reach 1 million.
When I refer to the health services I very much have in mind the loss and decay of the Colonial era health clinics and health centres, without replacement, the single referral hospital, the medical equipment shortages and the struggles people face to reach a medical clinic when sick, and I have written giving many, many accounts of such hardships.
I do, however, fully recognize the dedication and hard work of the many health professionals, from medical specialists, surgeons, doctors, nurses and support staff, including all those currently designated as front line workers.
During the past two decades and more, rural development funds and CDF money has been allocated to all serving MPs but often the cry, and one that resounds today, is what happened to the tangible results in terms of developments and welfare in the various constituencies for the benefit of community constituents?
I have to be fair and say that I have been aware of the constituency work of some MP’s and written of the way in which the funds allocated to them have benefited their constituents, but would like to have had more news of the same.
I fully realise it is not my right to be saying how MP’s should undertake their constitutional roles but I do feel, even at the expense of being considered interfering, even rude, that all MP’s must go beyond making laws and become more versatile in reaching out to the development and welfare of their various constituents.
The development needs of the Solomon Islands is crucial and I would please like to request our MP’s to align with the mindset of the people on the ground and become more involved with the development and welfare of their people.
I hope I haven’t offended anyone in contributing this piece, but my only desire is to see the kind of development and welfare assistance to the people that is clearly still needed and long been waited.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short