I would like to think that I have recently seen changes for the better in the Solomon Islands with some movement on building projects, employment gains and community help from MPs and provincial officials.
To add to the positive news there have been instances of further financial aid and support from the nations traditional partners such as Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, the United States and, more recently China. One should not forget, also agencies such the WHO, UNDP, the World Bank and the Asia Development Bank
There is no need more me to specify all that I have witnessed occurring since it has been my practice to write often about the major changes, such as for example the Tina River Hydro Project, the plans for Bina Harbour, but also the contributions to schools and community groups.
I have to believe things have started to improve based on two decades of personal observations of the local scene.
My one regret, still. is the need for overall improvements in the health sector and at the National Referral Hospital and health care in the rural areas throughout the country. Perhaps, also, I should add in the education sector the reported ‘drop out’ rate.
The government has worked hard and successfully to keep Covid-19 away but I expect the costs to impact severely on the upcoming budget allocations.
There is a new development which I can report today which serves to illustrate what His Excellency the Governor General, Sir David Vunagi, GCMG, spoke about when he gave his speech from the Throne at the official opening of Parliament just over a week ago – “Serving by example.”
Let me explain, the White River Community Neighbourhood Watch group in West Honiara was yesterday given $8000 by MP Namson Tran to provide for the purchase of torches, solar lighting, tents, boots vests, cones and uniforms.
I very much hope to witness the kind of changes I have mentioned continue for the betterment of the country and its international image, for the improvement to the welfare and practical needs of communities and for leadership in all aspects of life in the Solomon Islands.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short