The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS), Minister, Dr. Culwick Togamana is calling on everyone within the health facilities across the country to facilitate the implementation of the important Infection Prevention Control guideline.
The Minister, Dr. Culwick Togamana stated this during the launch of the National Infection Prevention Control guideline, last Wednesday.
He stated having the guideline alone is not enough and there needs to be a supportive environment at the health care facilities.
“I am calling on all of us within our health facilities across the country to facilitate implementation of this important guideline by making sure access to:
Right equipment and supplies and an environment that is designed and planned to facilitate the guideline recommendations.
An education program of routine in-service training, education and periodic retraining of all personals,
Monitoring, evaluation and feedback; program of regular supervision and feedback is in place relation to the guidelines recommendations including a surveillance program,
A safety culture where managers and leaders at every level of health care service delivery show their visible support for the national IPC guidelines.
He explained the national IPC guideline is generic and therefore each facility level will require to contextualize instructions and recommendations in the guide to suit their individual settings.
“Let us take ownership of our NIPC guideline and take responsibility to ensuring its effective and efficient implementation,” Dr. Togamana said.
Important advice by the Hon Minister of Health, but having the “right equipment and suppliers” has not always been possible in the past and one must be hopeful that the MHMS has now the existing budget to ensure all health facilities are adequately provisioned to ensure compliance with the health care provisions demanded by the Minister of Health.
Source Solomon Star NEWS.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short