ACOM supports Covid-19 vaccinations to protect citizens
The Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) has come out to voice its support for the covid-19 vaccine.
In a statement yesterday, the ACOM said it believes that the vaccines are an answer to the prayers of humankind for ways to eliminate the covid-19 pandemic.
The Church adds that since the beginning of the pandemic, it has been supportive of the government’s ambition to protect Solomon Islands against covid-19.
“The Anglican Church of Melanesia has always stood alongside the government’s view and policy on Covid 19 pandemic.
“Since the Covid 19 became a global pandemic, the Anglican Church like many other sister churches sent messages to every Anglican in dioceses, parishes and districts to pray for the nation.
“The Church recognises the fact that Covid 19 has been here and that our islands and people are vulnerable.
“The Church through its canons also recognises three strands of healing, so long as they are done in manners along with the church dogmas and procedures.
“One of the strands is through Medical Science for which various vaccinations had been successfully explored and developed.
“It is believes that successful covid 19 vaccinations achieved in fact were results of prayers of the churches worldwide.
“The vaccinations are God-powered and God-given, hence a gift that enables protection against covid 19 and its variants.
“In the eyes of many, including the Church, covid 19 is a medical infliction needing medical attention as a remedy.
“Currently the vaccinations available could be the best remedy that we have so far.
“God will certainly inspire scientific people around the world to provide better medication against Covid 19 as we journey into the future.
“The negatives that we hear are unverified and should not be the causes of fear and anxieties.
“If today you think you are protected by your faith, do so through works.
“That work is through vaccination substantiating your faith. In this perspective Anglican Church of Melanesia strongly urge you to take your vaccination today.
“The Church prays you never regret taking the vaccination, but the contrary may happen if you don’t.
“Behind all the research done in finding solutions to the Covid 19 and its variants, God is present so we will overcome it.
“That is the display of our faith.”
ACOM is the second mainstream church to come out in the media announcing its support for the vaccine. Last week the Seventh Day Adventist church, responding to this paper’s enquiries, voiced its pro-vaccine stand.
Source. Island Sun newspaper.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short