In May this year readers might recall my letters and an appeal for help for Linta Mabo, the 16 year old daughter of a family living in North East Guadalcanal who had been diagnosed with a heart condition that would require her transfer to Australia for corrective life-saving surgery.
I would like to tell you the latest news about the child who is still awaiting the chance to get to Australia.
Soon after my letter was published, a team from the One More Shot consisting of local photographers at Dreamcast started a series of street collections to help Linta’s parents to raise enough money for the air journey to Australia. The money they succeeded in raising was enough for the air tickets for Linta and her mother, as well as sufficient to pay for visas and the couple to stay in quarantine on arrival in Australia.
Linta’s case was referred by her doctor at the National Referral Hospital (NRH) to the hospital’s medical transfer committee who tried to find a place in a hospital in Sydney to accept the child and carry out initial observations and surgery, if her condition on arrival warranted such treatment.
COVID-19 Lockdowns and the numbers of COVID cases in NSW prevented any transfer or the opportunity of a hospital accepting Linta.
As the coronavirus situation in NSW has now somewhat abated, the St George’s hospital in Sydney has agreed to accept Linta and a senior cardiologist at that hospital is awaiting to see her once her medical transfer can be finalised by the doctors at the NRH, visas obtained an air passage obtained.
My appeal for financial help for Linta and her family has been supported by a most kind and generous local donor willing to cover her hospital and likely surgery costs at St George’s Hospital. The funds raised by One More Shoot will be enough to pay for the return air fares for Linta and her mother, for visas and for quarantine accommodation once in Sydney.
I wish to thank the Medical Superintendent at the NRH, the previous acting holder of that post, Linta’s doctor at the NRH, the personnel of the medical transfer committee at the NRH, the One More Shot team, the consultant surgeon at St George’s hospital and the Registrar of that hospital and, of course the donor willing to pay the hospital costs. Without such combined help it would not have been possible to progress Linta’s case so far.
It is my great hope and expectation that an air passage for Linta and her mother might soon become possible.
Linta’s medical condition is one that cannot be treated in the Solomon Islands and her only chance of a longer and healthier life depends on her early hospitalization in Sydney.
Thank you all on behalf of Linta.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short