I don’t want to be involved in the political aspects of the Solomon Islands recently agreed security pact with China (PRC) but some commentators within Australian (ahead of a general election there) and in the Pacific have said the SI’s deal with China is a sign that Australia has neglected its relationships in the region.
Arising from such debate and commenting yesterday on the ABC’s Pacific Beat programme,Sinclair Dinnen, from the Australian National University and a well known writer on Solomon Islands affairs, commented on a matter which last week, and earlier on I had cited as a need for security concern and effective action by the SI government, diplomatic partners and the police service in addressing public order concerns
Mr.Dinnen touched upon a real, core issue when he said, quote.
“Development partners could help address other social issues in Solomon Islands, which has a young and rapidly growing population with relatively few economic opportunities.
"That really requires a much broader human security focus," he said.
Let us hope that development partners will see the truth and reality of the youth unemployment situation on the broader aspects of social order and the outbreaks of public disorder and work closely with the SIG to provide work and earning capacity for the youth and the countless unemployed at home.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short