Dr Jones Ghabu, a consultant physician for Non-Communicable Diseases at the Diabetic Centre, at the National Referral Hospital (NRH), has said there is clear evidence of the increasing rate of NCD admissions at the NRH.
He has appealed, publically, for the government to set-up non-communicable disease (NCD) clinics around the country.
Doctor Gabu believes the clinics are necessary in the light of the exponential growth of NCDs, and the very limited resources available to deal with the problem and the increasing rate of NCD admissions at the NRH.
Dr.Ghabu said the reality is that the NRH is the only hospital with a standalone diabetic clinic in the whole country.
“Now a day clinicians watch helplessly the sad reality of this deadly disease on daily practice and, we only wish this country come together with a slogan UMITUGEDA AGAINST NCD”, a shift in thinking and approach to prevent and control this deadly pandemic-NCD crisis,” he said.
I share Dr Ghabu’s concerns about the growing incidences of NCDs, as indeed do many other doctors in the Solomon Islands. The Prime Minister, too, has frequently voiced concerns about the NCD pandemic and the growing threat to health services.
Essentially what is needed is a change in mindset by the people and a combination of dietary control, exercise, stopping smoking and considerably reducing the consumption of alcohol.
Last month, I contributed to the concern over NCDs in a letter in which I said in some areas of the Solomon Islands women, with backing from the WHO, were working on nutritional projects, as part of education programme to prevent NCDs by promoting a healthy diet.
This is what I wrote at that time, quote.
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and chronic lung diseases are the leading cause of death in Solomon Islands. They are also a major cause of morbidity and mortality in a country where health facilities were designed to treat acute illness.
In response, WHO worked in tandem with Solomon Islands’ Ministry of Health and provincial governments to provide technical and strategic advice in establishing the SoIPEN (Solomon Islands Package of Essential Non- communicable Disease) programme. SoIPEN is a systems-based initiative that enables government health facilities to identify people who have NCDs and to treat them effectively.
Patients with NCDs are now seen at specialized clinics andreceive comprehensiveassessments and care plans tailored to their needs. These clinics are led by NCD Coordinators like Virginia Legaile.
Virginia is based in Tulagi, Central Province, and is one of twelve NCD Coordinators across the country who are dedicated to the SoIPEN programme. She previously screened patients for NCDs in the outpatient department in Tulagi Hospital one day per week. However, because of her commitment and the success of SoIPEN, an NCD clinic was established to support patients five days a week.
Along with her peers, she has started the first patient medical filing system in the country. There is often no doctor in the province where she works, so she is frequently in contact via phone with the main hospital in Honiara for advice.
Because of the SolPEN program, Virginia and other NCD nurses can prescribe diabetes, blood pressure and heart medications. This means that rather than travelling long distances to hospitals, patients can get medications at a clinic close to home.
Recognizing that her patients’ health is greatly influenced by their local environment, Virginia’s work extends outside the clinic. For example, Virginia started a garden on the hospital grounds and shares seeds, vegetables and nutrition knowledge with her patients. The garden has evolved into a demonstration garden and community hub where people can learn about nutrition and improve their gardening skills.
Due in part to dedicated NCD Coordinators like Virginia, the SoIPEN programme is gaining national visibility. Governmental officials, private physicians, churches, and businesses now request and receive SoIPEN screenings for their personnel.
With improved systems for early NCD diagnosis, better medical treatment, and a focus on patient-centred holistic care, more Solomon Islanders will be able to live healthy and happier lives.
I very much hope the SoIPEN program will increasingly be supported by individuals, organizations, private doctors and all those in the Solomon Islands seeing the benefits of holistic treatment in reducing the incidence of NCDs.
End of quote.
Additional Comment.
I would hope Dr Ghabu’s plea for specialist NCD clinics will be taken seriously and, at the same time, there can be more SoiPen programmes introduced to encourage the dietary change nearly all need to live healthier lives, coupled with the lifestyle changes I have outlined.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short