26 July 2022
More graduate nurses commenced their 2022 Nurses Supervised Practice Program, this week.
81 more graduate nurses from the Solomon Islands National University and the Atoifi Nursing College commenced their nurses supervised practice program, Monday this week.
Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS and the National Nursing Administration and Nursing Council of Solomon Islands officially opened the 2022 Nurses Supervised Practice Program for the nurses at the St. Barnabas Cathedral Hall.
The Nurses Supervised Practice Program is a one year program where in the first month the part one registered nurses are introduced to each departments and their programs within the MHMS.
MHMS, Deputy Secretary, Health Care Dr Gregory Jilini speaking on behalf of the Permanent Secretary highlighted the importance of the nursing profession cannot be overstated.
Dr Jilini emphasized nurses are at the heart of health teams, playing crucial roles in health promotion, disease prevention and restoring health.
He explained in many remote communities, the only public servant to serving the people is a nurse.
“Hence, nurses have a substantial impact on health service delivery. This calls for strengthened leadership, motivation of nurses and ensuring nursing professionalism is maintained”, Dr Jilini said.
He highlighted in the current response to COVID-19, nurses have been involved in implementing important activities such as screening at the points of entry, swabbing, contact tracing, monitoring and managing positive cases together with the entire team.
Dr Jilini stated this calls for investment in nursing and respecting the rights of nurses and health care workers.
Meanwhile, Dr Jilini stated the Nurses Supervised Practice Program is an important strategy in preparing nurses for registration and employment.
He explained, over the years, the MHMS has invested substantively on the nurses’ internship program as part of improving nursing services critical to overall health service delivery.
“To further respond to the 2022 International Nurses Day theme (Nurses, A Voice to Lead- Invest in Nursing and respect rights to secure global health), the government has invested in the following strategic areas, Nursing Education, Jobs, Leaderships and Service Delivery as highlighted in the International Nurses day package and the global strategic directions for nursing and midwifery, 2021 to 2025,”, said Dr Jilini.
Therefore, he stated overall the government has invested hugely in the nursing profession to ensure that there is quality care in nursing practice, and health system strengthening for improved health services delivery to the people.
He challenged the nurses to ensure nursing practice in the facilities is strengthened.
“The issue of refusal to postings/deployment, absenteeism, lateness to work, untidiness, etc must be rooted out of the nursing profession. Nursing is based on caring, servanthood, commitment and passion. Sadly, there are nurses who are only here for the money/income but their behavior and attitude shows otherwise.
“If you are one of those, let me tell you that nursing is not for you and maybe you will be better off in other careers”, Dr Jilini said.
He added attitude of nurses now days is becoming difficult to manage and this does not speak well of a profession that advocates for patients’ health and recovery.
However, he encouraged the nurses to be passionate as a nurse, let caring be their core, and commit themselves to tasks and be part of the intervention team by effectively contributing their bit.
“All the best in the program and looking forward to your full registration in 2023”, Dr Jilini said.
Sources: MHMS Media and Solomon Times Online.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short