Quoting the Island Sun newspaper – 4 March 2019
“The oil spill in Rennell is now estimated to be 80 tonnes, as of yesterday, according to the Solomon Islands government. Latest aerial photos supplied by Australia’s foreign ministry show oil streaks making their way outwards.
“Earlier in the weekend, the Australian Foreign Ministry reported that 75 tonnes is estimated to have leaked from the grounded bulk carrier Solomon Trader.
“Government media statement yesterday, says the oil spill now stands at 80 tonnes.
“Australia continues to stand behind Solomon Islands Government’s efforts to ensure that commercial parties responsible for this incident take action and are held responsible.
“Australians and our neighbours across the Pacific know the economic and environmental importance of our oceans. We expect companies operating in our region to meet international standards and take seriously their environmental obligations,” stated in the media release authorised by Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs.
“As a close friend to Solomon Islands, Australia remains extremely concerned by the ongoing risk of a major oil spill from the grounded bauxite bulk carrier MV Solomon Trader.”
Copyright @ 2019, Island Sun newspaper.