SI Tourism Industry �Faces of Tomorrow� on Display at �Mi Save Solo�
Quoting the Solomon Times on Line � 11 July 2019
�Tourism Solomons CEO, Josefa �Jo� Tuamoto has paid tribute to a team of Institute of Tourism & Hospitality lecturers and students in attendance at last week�s �Mi Save Solo� tourism exchange, describing their efforts as delivering a true showcase for what the future holds in store for the Solomon Islands tourism industry.
�Unbeknown to the large number of government and tourism officials, local and international delegates in attendance at the event, a team of 19 ITH students led by lecturers Annette Honimae, Mary Tavava and Patrick Manuoru were hard at work behind the scenes preparing, cooking and cooking the delicious food and beverages on offer and acting as ambassadors throughout the day at the Solomon Islands National University campus venue.
�The government has clearly stated it sees tourism becoming a major source of GDP within the next five-seven years,� Mr Tuamoto said.�
Copyright @ 2019, Solomon Times on Line.