Cancer diagnosis and treatment breakthroughs offering hope to suffers of the often killer disease

Frank Short 18-Apr-2022

The Solomon Islands has a high rate of cancer disease and being a sufferer of advanced, progressive cancer myself I have empathy for those suffering t

Call for free education for students with special needs

Frank Short 18-Apr-2022

e Malaita Province Youth Council (MPYC) has called on all school Administrations and Boards in the country to consider offering free education to all

Immune cells in prostate can be activated to destroy cancer cells, research shows

Frank Short 17-Apr-2022

As one now battling with advanced prostate cancer and having to deal daily with the very severe side effects of hormone therapy, I found the following

MAL outlines key projects for 2022

Frank Short 16-Apr-2022

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock recently outlined key projects to be implemented this year which would enable the country to start exporting

Will we eventually see Covid-19 treated as just another endemic illness like the flu?

Frank Short 16-Apr-2022

The WHO has warned against treating COVID-19 as endemic, saying there is still a 'huge amount of uncertainty and a virus that is still evolving.

Could traditional medicine be incorporated as part of the national health care system?

Frank Short 16-Apr-2022

Last month Georgina Kekea writing in the Solomon Times Online told how many individuals on Wagina said their recovery from COVID-19 was because of her

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