Quoting Radio New Zealand 18-Jan-2019
The Governor General Sir Frank Kabui will announce the election date in the first week of February.Quoting Radio New Zealand 18-Jan-2019
The recipients were Kaotave Vocational Rural Training Centre, Varu Primary school in Kolobangara and Western provincial Disaster Management Office forQuoting Radio New Zealand 18-Jan-2019
TAIWAN’S Embassy in Solomon Islands handed over 360 solar lamps to the Solomon Islands Red Cross (SIRC) yesterdayQuoting Radio New Zealand 18-Jan-2019
Readers of the two main newspapers in the Solomon Islands will know from previous articles I have written about the efforts being made to aid the workQuoting Radio New Zealand 18-Jan-2019
Japan’s government in Solomon Islands is ready to fund two more classroom buildings following the grant contract signing held yesterdayQuoting Radio New Zealand 18-Jan-2019
The Governor General Sir Frank Kabui will announce the election date in the first week of February