Quoting Radio New Zealand 29-Jan-2019
d sanctuary to help preserve endemic bird populations in the Solomons.It was reported in the Solomon Star newspaper today that the S
Quoting Radio New Zealand 29-Jan-2019
– 29 January 2019“SOLOMON Islands former Prime Minister has congratulated Australia on its 231st Australian Day Anniversary, recentl
Quoting Radio New Zealand 29-Jan-2019
“THE country has acknowledged Australia’s ‘Step Up Engagement’ with the Pacific region including Solomon IslandsQuoting Radio New Zealand 29-Jan-2019
TAIWAN embassy, in collaboration with Taiwan ICDF (International Cooperation and development Fund) and Ministry of PoliceQuoting Radio New Zealand 29-Jan-2019
Urban land supply a ticking time bomb, claims local Land Expert Dr. Joe Foukona writing in the Solomon Star newspaperQuoting Radio New Zealand 29-Jan-2019
“A local band, Point of View (POV), will jet off to Nauru today to take part in the country’s 51st independence anniversary celebration.