Quoting Radio New Zealand 14-Feb-2019
Farmers and fishermen coming in from the provinces to sell their produce and catch are calling on the responsible authorities to remove the two ship wQuoting Radio New Zealand 14-Feb-2019
THE Solomon Islands National Statistics Office (SINSO) in the Ministry of Finance and Treasury is coordinating efforts to count every citizen in the fQuoting Radio New Zealand 13-Feb-2019
ry 2019“A record number of people visited the Cook Islands last year, when the country welcomed 168,760 visitors.
“The Cook Islan
Quoting Radio New Zealand 13-Feb-2019
Zealand – 13 February 2019“Environmentalists fear the grounding of a ship off Rennell Island in the Solomon Islands could bring more damage
Quoting Radio New Zealand 13-Feb-2019
bruary 2019“TRANSPARENCY Solomon Islands (TSI) is urging East Kwaio Constituency in Malaita Province to stop from the intention not to cast t
Quoting Radio New Zealand 13-Feb-2019
trong>Quoting the Solomon Star newspaper – 13 February 2019
“This has been long time in the making as the nickel deposits were discov