Quoting Radio New Zealand 24-May-2019
China is currently the Solomon Islands largest trading partner, largely driven by China’s demand for lumber. The tropical forests have receded at anQuoting Radio New Zealand 24-May-2019
The Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Meteorology published its National Adaption Programme of Action (NAPA ) official policyQuoting Radio New Zealand 23-May-2019
Thousands of communities across the Solomon Islands will benefit from improved access to quality water and sanitation services, following approval ofQuoting Radio New Zealand 23-May-2019
Rehabilitation and expansion of water production and treatment systems with a grant from the World Bank.Quoting Radio New Zealand 22-May-2019
She died at a clinic in Koutio - two weeks after contracting the mosquito-borne illnessQuoting Radio New Zealand 22-May-2019
The Governor of the Central Bank of the Solomon Islands, Mr. Denton Rarawa, presented the Bank’s 2018 Annual Report this week when speaking to an audi