Quoting Radio New Zealand 02-Jul-2019
Allegations of illegal logging and corrupt practices associated with the logging industry are a blight on the Solomon Islands and need urgent investigQuoting Radio New Zealand 02-Jul-2019
illustrates the many types of beautiful wood carvings made by talented Solomon Islands craftsmen and it was for that reason that I believe I was contaQuoting Radio New Zealand 02-Jul-2019
The head of the Solomon Islands finance ministry says officials have gone to great lengths to create a strong development bank.Quoting Radio New Zealand 02-Jul-2019
Business owners and representatives of small businesses in Auki, Malaita Province successfully completed a four-day business training that was conductQuoting Radio New Zealand 02-Jul-2019
A small group of Pacific eye care specialists are determined to make a difference despite the challenge of a heavy workload, large areas to cover andQuoting Radio New Zealand 02-Jul-2019
Allegations of illegal logging and corrupt practices associated with the logging industry are a blight on the Solomon Islands and need urgent investig