Quoting Radio New Zealand 22-Jul-2019
“It's the first Pacific country to ratify the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations Plus (PACER Plus), which has been beset bQuoting Radio New Zealand 22-Jul-2019
“There has been a significant drop in the number of domestic violence cases reported in Samoa during the 2017-18 financial year, a report by theQuoting Radio New Zealand 22-Jul-2019
“New Zealand company Infratec has completed a $US10.8 million Asian Development Bank project to deliver reliable renewable energy to four islandQuoting Radio New Zealand 22-Jul-2019
“The director of New Zealand's Computer Recycling, Patrick Moynahan, said changes were critical not just for the preservation of the ecologQuoting the Solomon Star newspaper 21-Jul-2019
“In a document the Sunday Star cited, it confirmed the decision has been formally made by the government to phase out Solomon Islands SecondaryQuoting Radio New Zealand 21-Jul-2019
Last night saw the closing ceremony of the 2019 Pacific Games in Samoa and Daniel Lundberg writing for Sunday Sports in Apia had this to say following