Quoting Radio New Zealand 01-Aug-2019
When I visited Perth in Australia earlier this week, I came across an interesting article in Monday’s edition of the Western Australian newspaper whicQuoting Radio New Zealand 01-Aug-2019
One of New Zealand’s newest roads is to be named in honour of Solomon Island’s first Prime Minister Sir Peter Kenilorea.Quoting Radio New Zealand 28-Jul-2019
"We feel that if the settlements are upgraded and proper infrastructure and proper amenities are given to settlements we would have less problemsQuoting Radio New Zealand 28-Jul-2019
Increasing Solomon Islands participation in the Australian labour market is a shared priority for both governments but it is very much hoped the paceQuoting Radio New Zealand 28-Jul-2019
In the�Solomon Islands, unsustainable�logging�has had serious�impacts�on forest land availability. ... It has been estimated that the forestQuoting Radio New Zealand 27-Jul-2019
In a follow-up meeting held later in June Pacific fisheries ministers made their strongest commitment to ending slavery and poor working conditions on