Quoting Radio New Zealand 07-Aug-2019
Assessments reports, globally, have forecast increased mortality and morbidity as a consequence of climate change.� It is increasingly important forQuoting Radio New Zealand 06-Aug-2019
Under the Paris Agreement, Australia is committed to cutting emissions per capita by 50 percent by 2030 and Mr Hawke, who is in Vanuatu, told Buzz FM,Quoting Radio New Zealand 06-Aug-2019
Apart from regional drug smuggling activities I have drawn attention to in recent correspondence, there is concern, also, over the illegal imporQuoting Radio New Zealand 06-Aug-2019
The director general of Pacific's regional environmental body SPREP, Leota Kosi Latu, told delegates that there needs to be targeted training forQuoting Radio New Zealand 06-Aug-2019
“The US has started negotiations to renew agreements with its freely associated states in the Pacific, in a counter to Chinese influence in theQuoting Radio New Zealand 06-Aug-2019
“The problems are apparent right across the Pacific, from Papua New Guinea to Tokelau, said one of the co-authors of the research, Otago Univers