Quoting Radio New Zealand 20-Sep-2019
As Kiribati, Tuvalu and Tokelau battle rising tides, its youth are bringing attention to the plight over its climate change inaction, New Zealand hasQuoting Radio New Zealand 20-Sep-2019
Australia says Solomon Islands' decision to end 36 years of diplomatic relations with Taiwan will not affect the Pacific nation's bilateralQuoting Radio New Zealand 20-Sep-2019
Reefs around Guam and Palau are to be mapped as part of a US funded effort to protect ecosystems.Quoting Solomon Times on Line 20-Sep-2019
Despite strong views expressed by leading US lawmakers regarding the switch to China the Prime Minsters office says it's business as usual.Quoting Radio New Zealand 19-Sep-2019
A Chinese university is to teach a number of Pacific Island languages, including Vagahau Niue.Quoting the Island Sun newspaper 19-Sep-2019
“Flooding in South Choiseul has devastated many families and food gardens with low-lying villages being most critically affected, it is reported