Quoting Radio New Zealand 14-May-2020
The Solomon Islands remains free from coronavirus so far, and thankfully so, but one needs to be mindful that Non-communicable Disease (NCD) is also dQuoting Radio New Zealand 14-May-2020
“Prime minister Manasseh Sogavare said it would be conditional on the country's Covid-19 testing facilities being at full capacity.“MQuoting Radio New Zealand 14-May-2020
“Vanuatu's Prime Minister Bob Loughman confirmed the assistance from his country's closest donor partner after a meeting with AustraliQuoting Radio New Zealand 13-May-2020
“The researchers noted that patients from countries with high COVID-19 mortality rates, such as Italy, Spain and the UK, had lower levels of vitQuoting Radio New Zealand 13-May-2020
I recall, too, in the same year Lionel Maeliu, a well-known organic farmer in Central Kwara'ae, Malaita Province saying he believed the highlandsQuoting Radio New Zealand 12-May-2020
“Both valleys are covered with secondary forests and dominated with a grassland area that stretches from the western end of the village to the f