Diabetes drug which helps obese people lose weight approved

Frank Short 08-Oct-2022

Those given a placebo in the trial lost just three per cent.

Shoppers buying shoes from a shoe company help pay for free mammograms

Frank Short 08-Oct-2022

HeartStrings Sisters provides free screening mammograms to uninsured, low-income and underinsured women.

How healthy eating can lead to managing diabetes and less medication

Frank Short 07-Oct-2022

A traditional diet with fish and a variety of vegetables is best, cutting out imported food stuffs containing too much fat.

The grim reality of NCDs in the Solomon Islands today – October 2022

Frank Short 07-Oct-2022

Solomon Islands has one of the highest rates of non-communicable diseases (NCD) in the Pacific region.

The value of education and the impact on work, income and the economy

Frank Short 06-Oct-2022

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is likely to face an increasingly challenging future because of its ongoing high levels of youth employment.

Solomon Islands leader rules out China base in his country

Frank Short 06-Oct-2022

In the five years of ethic and civil unrest before RAMSI arrived, the Solomons was close to becoming a failed state.

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